You are an important part of God’s plan, but your life will never make sense until you discover HOW and WHY God made you. Our Growth Track is designed to help you see how God’s purpose for your life aligns with His vision for One Church.
Growth Track is a 3-week class that takes place the first 3 Sundays of every month, each week’s class lasts about 45 minutes. You can sign up for Fast Track if you’d rather complete Growth Track all in one Saturday.
In Caddo Mills, Growth Track takes place during first service at 8:15am, and during last service at 12:45pm in the Overflow Room.
In Sulphur Springs, Growth Track takes place during the first service (9:15am) in the Dream Team Room.
Fast Track is an opportunity for you to complete all 3 steps of Growth Track in one Saturday class.
At Growth Track, you'll have the opportunity to learn more about our Dream Team, and sign up for the best fit team for you, so that you can start serving at One Church.
Complete all 3 steps of Growth Track in one day with Fast Track on Saturday, February 1 from 11:30am – 2:30pm at your campus.